I contribute numerous digital articles each month to EatingWell. I have also published three print articles for EatingWell. I write about a wide range of food, nutrition, and health topics including gut health, inflammation, heart health, and more.
I am a medical reviewer for Within Health, a virtual eating disorder treatment program dedicated to increasing access to quality eating disorder care.
I have contributed a number of articles to Well+Good on various nutrition and fitness topics, written from a weight-neutral lens.
I have contributed a few articles to HipLatina, including a popular article on the pros and cons of “healthified” versions of Latine foods and a couple of brand sponsored posts.
I have contributed a number of both editorial and commerce articles for Health.com. Topics include nutrition, health, and fitness.
I have contributed multiple commerce articles to VeryWell Health on topics ranging from The Best Cooling Pajamas for Hot Sleepers to The Best Vitamins and Supplements for Skin Health.
Read an article I wrote for Verywell Fit, The 10 Best Protein Powders for Men, Researched and Tested.
I manage the SEO strategy, copywriting, and editing for Your Latina Nutrition’s blog. I have successfully increased blog traffic from a couple thousand sessions per month to almost 50K in under two years.
Read an article I wrote for Self, How to Deal if Food and Body Shaming Flow Freely In Your Family’s Culture.
Read an article I wrote for Parents, The 8 Best Fish Oil Supplements for Kids, According to Pediatric RDs.
Read an article I wrote for Outside, You Carry Your Culture on the Trail. You Should Be Able to Eat Like It.
Read a personal essay I wrote for Project Heal, How Reclaiming My Latin American Culture Helped Me Heal.
Watch a preview of a presentation I gave for the Weight Inclusive Network titled “Beyond Individual Behaviors: The Role of the Social Determinants of Health for the Latine Community”.